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Cargo insurance

Goods are always delivered with the highest quality, limiting damage to customers

What is cargo insurance?

Cargo insurance is a form of protecting businesses’ goods against risks, loss, and damage during transportation or temporary storage by all current types of transportation such as road, waterways, railways, and airways nationwide and worldwide.

During the process of businesses using logistics services, Cargo Insurance is a method of transferring risks during the transportation process, ensuring financial safety for businesses.

Type of insurance

Import-export insurance is divided into different types of insurance. Specifically:
Insurance for imported and exported goods by sea
Insurance for imported and exported goods by air
Insurance for imported and exported goods by inland waterway
Insurance for imported and exported goods by road
Insurance for goods during loading and unloading

Cargo Insurance Service at Hai Cang Group

Understanding the importance and benefits that Cargo Insurance brings to businesses, Hai Cang Group always focuses on developing Cargo Insurance services to achieve the best quality and most convenient experience for customers.

Hai Cang Group’s Cargo Insurance service always strictly complies with legal regulations, ensuring that Cargo Insurance complies with the 5 principles of International Maritime Cargo Insurance as follows:

  • Insurable interests: An enterprise has an insurable interest when the goods are exposed to maritime hazards and the insured enterprise must have a legal relationship with the goods.
  • Absolute honesty: When entering into a contract, the insurance company often cannot directly contact the subject of insurance to assess the risks, so a marine cargo insurance contract must be concluded. on the basis of absolute honesty. Therefore, businesses must declare fully and accurately all necessary information that the insurance buyer already knows.
  • Compensation principle: When the insured object encounters risks or in other words, suffers damage that is within the scope of insurance
  • Principle of subrogation: The principle of subrogation is understood that after compensating the insured, the insurer has the right to replace the insured to claim compensation from the responsible party within the limit of the compensation amount paid.
  • Risk insurance: When entering into an insurance contract, the parties are completely unaware and cannot know whether there is a risk or not. If the insurance buyer already knows that there is a risk to the goods, the insurance contract will become void

With a team of professional, experienced staff and a dedicated partner system, Hai Cang Group is committed to supporting customers in all necessary procedures related to Cargo Insurance:

  • Partner providing reputable and professional Cargo Insurance.
  • Clear advice on the terms, conditions and regulations of Cargo Insurance including: compensation cases, insurance buyers, exclusion list (if any), compensation forms, procedures and compensation time,…
  • Actively support all stages of the Cargo Insurance implementation process.
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If customers still have concerns or have difficulty accessing forms of cargo insurance, please contact Hai Cang Group, we will accompany, advise and support you with the best service. 👇

Contact now for direct consultation: 081.404.0088 (email:Tiepvanhaicang@gmail.com)